...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Face to Face

Something about this band still hits me. It was the sort of group you would put on and everyone you knew would pump their fists, air guitar and drum and sing.. and everyone seemed to know the lyrics. Yesterday, while playing a game of scrabble with Kristy we put on this album and Jay and I remembered.. everything..

"I let the past control my life it brings me to my knees and i can not hide i can not lie so many words to say and no one to hear why did you go away? i needed you more today than i ever did you lied to me" - you lied

"what if i'm right and your wrong what if you knew it all along what if i figured out that i did not belong what if it always bothered me? what if i never did believe? would it be wrong if i decided i should leave? if i pretend i was blind and struck it from my mind would it still be there? what if i'd do anything to make it seem all right it's all right what if it's all inside my head? what if those words were never said? would it be easier if i just forgot?" - blind

"you think you're over with it and don't want to talk about it.. i'll tell you something you don't want to know"- It's not over

They will only of course mean something if you know them..but what a good time that was re-listening to all this stuff

Canada Life building

Canada Life Building

To finally put a small debate to rest, I searched to find what the colours and lights mean on the Canada Life building in downtown Toronto.

The beacon on top of the building tells the temperature and weather conditions through a system of coloured and flashing lights.
Weather code:
Green = clear weather, red = cloudy weather, flashing white = snow, flashing red = rain.

Weather code:
Running up = warmer temperature, running down = cooler temperature, steady = no change.

During the day the signals are for the rest of that day. At night it shows the forecase for the next day.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Y Control? I wish I could buy back the woman you stole.

Now you HAVE to have a thought about this video even if you don't like the song.

yeah yeah yeahs - y control :: urbnmix.net

Friday, March 25, 2005

Dallaire in Senate

I posted this in an "Open Thread" at TruthNM but wanted to mention it here.
Thanks to Stephanie for bringing this to my attention!

Romeo Dallaire, the 58-year-old retired Canadian general who headed the United Nations peacekeeping mission during the Rwandan genocide, is among nine new senators named by the prime minister Thursday.

-"Dallaire, who promised to be an active senator on international issues like military intervention, Third World development, and child soldiers." (Sunmedia)

If you heard, Dallaire was one of the loudest voices in Canada talking about how great it was that we and the US jumped to help the tsunami survivors but how unequal our idea of supporting and caring for people is by our lack of real action in stopping the ongoing genocides in Darfur, Sudan.

Watch the movie "Shake Hands with the Devil" (available to rent now) or read the book of the same name. This man is one of my personal heroes.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Toyota what?

i-unit Toyota

Toyota's Personal Mobility Vehicle concept.



Unconscious Mutterings -- Week 111

  1. Stink::meat
  2. Renewal::card
  3. I remember...::the time we fell in love
  4. Loneliness::is in the heart
  5. Ooooh::ahh ohh poppin fresh dough
  6. For real::get real
  7. Titanium::expose
  8. Get down::danger
  9. Rupture::damage, membrane
  10. Dramatic::entrance

Wednesday, March 23, 2005



Amid protests calling for his resignation the President Askar Akayev said he would not impose a state of emergency. (About more fraud in elections - eg. Ukraine)

Protesters apparently stormed and took some government buildings to underline their demand that he resign. (~ 24 Hours news service)

or here

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

OMG, what?

Go read this now!

I found this on the site TruthNM. (link is on the left)
It sort of reminds me of what I felt when watching the recruiters during Fahrenheit 9/11

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Temple of 1000 Warriors, taken from atop the pyramid "El Castillo" at the Chichen Itza Mayan ruins in Mexico. Posted by Hello

Me, exploring Isla Contoy (Nature preserve and bird sanctuary) Pop = 0  Posted by Hello

You know I should probably start a photoblog to put this stuff and then just link to it.. but im playing now so shut up. Another shot of Mujeres. (Taken from just below the small Mayan ruins on this Island of Women) Posted by Hello

Another shot from Isla Mujeres. This is close to the Cliff of the Dawn (The Eastern Most tip of Mexico) looking at distant Isla Cancun. (The resort area where the tourists stay) -- The guys who work in the tourist area of Cancun say it is basically Miama south, that if you want real Cancun do NOT stay in the resorts! Steph and I could not agree more. Posted by Hello

I went here last year, to Isla Mujeres near the Yucatan province of Mexico. I am trying to use Picasa and another program Hello to upload my pics. I will post some more from time to time but want to be prepared for when I have my pics from Africa. Sweet. Posted by Hello

Friday, March 18, 2005

St. Paddys

I went out for St. Patricks last night with Kristy and Kristin (Suzy showed up for a beautiful 20 minutes) at PJ O'briens. (It's down near King subway station)

It was awesome down there, had 2 pints with the girls and talked and talked and talked (about Dave so much too -- trust me if you know her.. you know Dave) until finally I realized I actually have to work today.

Damn job.

Today was not an exciting maintenance day. It was an exciting auditing day at work though. I'll talk about it soon. Certain people in this plant are going down!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Elliot Smith

Does anyone else think about the Beatles when listening to Elliot Smith's song "Everything means nothing to me?"

Going on a jet plane

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

My gf and I are going to visit England for a day then blast off to South Africa for over 2 weeks! (end of April)

I cannot wait for this journey to start. Those of you who have known me for a long time know I can't wait to travel.. can't wait to visit somewhere new. I have never been over the ocean before..nor that far south.. man..


Saturday, March 12, 2005

Comments anyone?

What the hell happened to my comments?

I have never switched away from Haloscan comments. Yet, I went to some posts from March of last year and the old comments are missing! Katie's comments on Maddox's I hate girls post etc. All gone!


Friday, March 11, 2005

How dictatorial are each of us?

Who are above us in power? Teachers, ministers, the police, politicians, our bosses, etc. Yet, who do we really defer to? In our hearts I mean, not because we have been blinded. (I know the argument can be made that politcally speaking many people are willingly blinded etc. I am refering to what we know. What we think about. What we do perceive individually.)

Do we truly bow to each person of power or do we spend the majority of our lives with our own thoughts, seeing things through our own filters, seeing others not as beneath us but as well..not us. This isn't a fully thought out idea but was something I wanted to put down...

...then when those in power do exercise that authority we might listen and respond, grudgingly perhaps, but then go back to being kings or queens? argh.. thoughts?

Saturday, March 05, 2005

New words and meaning:

Evergreen - retaining freshness or interest.
"If the Sudan genocide is not covered properly we will lose any evergreen appeal."

Tantivy - in a headlong dash: at a gallop.
"We rushed tantivy into Iraq and will probably do the same with Syria."

Chary - hesitant and vigilant about dangers and risks, slow to grant, accept or expend.
"The US remains chary about the quality of Canadian beef."

Rubicon - The WMD lies should have been Bush's Rubicon for the American people.
- ie/ point of no return

Friday, March 04, 2005

s'my birthday

Today happens to be my 28th birthday! Hooray for me!

I took some time this morning to look back at what was happening to me at the same time last year.

I was reading Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" which I still think rates as a very cool book. In fact I like much of what Gaiman has written.
I was living with Dan only, not his bro Jay yet...and we still had bedbugs. Oh yes, bedbugs. It took over 1 damn year to get rid of them and we finally did it with the help of horse stall 'bug-dust' (really known as Diatomaceous Earth) It is extremely effective against those bugs...
AND the Communist Party of Canada were at my workplace handing out Union flyers. My friend Stephanie gave me one when she came to visit me and I brought it in with me the next day..and promptly had it taken from me..along with a refusal to give it back. Well, I chronicled my struggle in my posts. I got it back.

Link to these pages

Happy birthday to me