...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Friday, March 25, 2005

Dallaire in Senate

I posted this in an "Open Thread" at TruthNM but wanted to mention it here.
Thanks to Stephanie for bringing this to my attention!

Romeo Dallaire, the 58-year-old retired Canadian general who headed the United Nations peacekeeping mission during the Rwandan genocide, is among nine new senators named by the prime minister Thursday.

-"Dallaire, who promised to be an active senator on international issues like military intervention, Third World development, and child soldiers." (Sunmedia)

If you heard, Dallaire was one of the loudest voices in Canada talking about how great it was that we and the US jumped to help the tsunami survivors but how unequal our idea of supporting and caring for people is by our lack of real action in stopping the ongoing genocides in Darfur, Sudan.

Watch the movie "Shake Hands with the Devil" (available to rent now) or read the book of the same name. This man is one of my personal heroes.


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