...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Saturday, February 19, 2005

liberal, no conservative, no liberal media
... oh yeah, beware THEM

Driving around in Texas I saw a sign encouraging me to "Beware the Liberal media."
A few of my non-thinking friends applauded and repeated this statement ad nausium. What was that Steve? Are you saying we are to beware the conservative media?


I don't think the media is one way or another. If they seem to have a favourable angle on gay marriage they say beware liberalism. If they seem to have favourable reporting on a large, conglomerate it is said to watch that old time conservatism. Big bucks are more important then people sort of thing. Now, if you watch Outfoxed, which I have a link for over on the left, you see that Fox and those who run it are typically conservative in their views. And I am sure there are cases that can be made on both sides of the way more diverse political spectrum. However, I read on another blog a comment about how liberal CNN has always been.
I think I almost choked to death.

People need to think before they ever use the "beware the (insert whomever you are antagonistic about) media" and maybe just cut it down to the more accurate "beware the media" - (presenting you with your own ideas)



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