...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Darn pesky tribal hatred

During the Rwandan genocides, US news agencies typically reported the violence as being nothing out of the ordinary. That it was just ugly, tribal hatred which has no real solution until both sides decide to stop killing each other. (Nevermind the history about the creation of Hutu, Tutsi differences) This idea is used as a justification for not going in to halt the genocide. That if we do go in, we will have to enforce the peace and as soon as we leave they will just start again. Ie. Let 'em kill each other.

This morning in the cafeteria I overheard some employees talking about Darfur. One shook her head about the UN not calling the Sudan government a genocidal regime. The other told her she obviously didn't understand what was happening. Yes, he said, it is sad what they are doing to themselves, but it is tribal hatred. Not something that the international community can resolve.

So, with that logic in mind I hereby state that any Palestinian that blows themselves up, killing Israeli children has to be seen in this light. No more news coverage please. It is simply ancient tribal hatred, centered around religious beliefs that just lead to war. Sorry. It really is THAT simple. (Or at least as far as the international body of the UN is concerned.) So, if that is true.. many forms of violence at the state level are now fine. Let the games begin...

(Any Africans wanna take a swipe at the slave-loving United States? Even if it is better now.. there are still ancient enmities right?)

If Japan and China go to war.. is this ok? Because hell.. ancient problems right?
Tibet and China? Taiwan and China?

Shit I forgot. This is only proper justification if they are black. I forgot.. sorry..

A U.S. officer was wondering precisely how many Rwandans had died. Dallaire was puzzled and asked why he wanted to know. "We are doing our calculations back here," the U.S. official said, "and one American casualty is worth 85,000 Rwandan dead."

- America and the Age of Genocide - Samantha Powers


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