...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

ew.. politics?

You know.. I know this is a large issue and I am not trying to sum it up in one short note..and I am just as guilty as the next person..but I always wonder what evil we could show people with regards to things like where our clothes come from etc.. and if people REALLY knew.. what would they do.. but with a lot of people I see it goes like this: They see the world is not a fairytale..it isn't all magic and romance.. and they finally do see some of the pervasive evil.. and either ascribe it to the devil BUT then stop thinking about it.. or they decide it is too much..and pass it off in cliches like "well what can I do about it anyway.." and stop actively caring. You don't have to turn your life into a cause, but you can't allow yourself to be numb.. I've even heard people say they don't want to become numb so they will remain willfully ignorant.

Like they have too many problems and it would bury them.. it can.. but not to hear about it. People are so afraid of knowledge. It is not something I can easily understand.


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