London attacked (updated)
So, you probably have heard about this, but read the BBC here.
As to why this is not a long post? What further information could I really add? I have no clue what the facts are nor do we know who did it.
...and all this is for whom?
In other sectors of our society there are other opinions:
- From ChicagoRay
(He doesn't allow comments)
As to why this is not a long post? What further information could I really add? I have no clue what the facts are nor do we know who did it.
...and all this is for whom?
---- Updated @ 5:44pm ----
In other sectors of our society there are other opinions:
Courage under fire...............
and cowards wearing turbans............
Damn dirty Arabs strike again
Europe has to be reminded why Gearge Bush and Tony Blair have had it right from the start....
- From ChicagoRay
(He doesn't allow comments)
At 07 July, 2005 17:49,
kristin said…
Gosh, I wonder why Ray doesn't allow comments.
I know, I know, I'm so naive... to still have liberal leanings.
Ugh. I only hope... someday, I aspire to be such a hateful bastard...
At 08 July, 2005 12:25,
Mitch said…
That guy is hilarious! It's like watching Faux News. I always enjoy taking a browse over blogs like that because they're so far out to lunch you wonder if it's not someone posting nonsense cause they lost a bet. "ok, sleep with a chicken or create a radical right-wing nutjob weblog."
At 10 July, 2005 22:17,
LXA said…
One of the girls I work with flew into London last Tuesday, she was going to stay for a month or so.. we still haven't heard from her. Mari (another co-worker/friend) and I were talking about her today and I couldn't help but get goose bumps. I hope she's ok. We've been emailing her and trying her cell, but it's shut off. :(
At 12 July, 2005 11:43,
Sj said…
Holy shit Lisa.. and I only saw this message on Tuesday, sorry not like I was ignoring this.
Have you heard by now?
At 14 July, 2005 11:11,
LXA said…
No, I still haven't heard. I have a feeling she's ok tho. I'm on vacation until next Tuesday, so hopefully they will have heard from her by then.
At 20 July, 2005 02:55,
LXA said…
update: I found out she's ok. :) She had left London the day before, to go to Barcelona. I feel very relieved.
At 20 July, 2005 08:29,
Sj said…
Whew! Thanks for the update Lisa!
At 27 July, 2005 15:16,
Anonymous said…
Through work, I frequently have to call an ad agency in the UK. I speak to the same woman every time. I am thankful to say that, while she has claimed to be a lot more apprehensive about going anywhere where a muslim minority is "visible" she claims that she doesn't let it bother her. She just keeps repeating the "be not afraid" mantra.
I only hope that all in the UK do the same.
Really, what else could they do to stop that kind of terrorism. It would be horrible if it happened in Toronto. Do you remember the blackout two years ago? And the ensuing pandemonium?
At 27 July, 2005 15:46,
Sj said…
No. haha. I was in Quebec for the power-party. I did wish I was there in some ways. But, I do get your point.
At 27 July, 2005 17:06,
Anonymous said…
Something that I should add to my first point is the sense of belonging that Torontonian's displayed. I saw people directing traffic, random people, not designating people. I saw people saying "hi" to each other walking in the streest. I saw people sharing the moment. It makes one wish it happens more often.
It's good to know that human decency is strong in Toronto. I pray that we are never effected by something so catastrophic but I rest myself knowing that, even if it did, people are there for eachother.
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