...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Toronto's Busker" dead at 75

Ben Kerr stood almost every day, in all types of weather except the very worst, on the corner of Yonge and Bloor. He sung to us "Better than Viagra" (Belinda Stronach is...) and other country/western tunes. He was a fixture, seeing him was almost part of the tourist experience. He was part of the subtle, understated charm of Toronto. I believe I even remember a day that it made the news that Ben was NOT standing on the corner. On the day of his death, someone scrawled this tribute to him on a pillar, simply "Thanks Ben."

In high school, on my way to the Toronto Reference Library, hanging out before a punk show, walking down Yonge and then across Queen. (a fav. way for me to shop in the fall) All these days I would see him.

Apparently there is another busker there now.. he has big shoes to fill...

(Photo: Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun.)


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