...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Good afternoon fellow bloggers and/or readers.
It is a beautiful Thursday afternoon here in wonderful Toronto.

Cheery? Sure, why not? Though I have things going on I suppose I have learned How to not have it affect my mood... (Oh..Big Revelation! Well, it's harder than you might think for most people)

Here is one of these things, which also happens to be my reason for not posting. My computer has been offline since Thursday the 26th of May or so. All I can do for email is to check it during my breaks at work. (Same with doing this post) It won't be up till June 7th..but I find that as it was with my television, (once broken, you just don't miss it) it is with the 'net'

I found myself getting home and logging on. Opening chatting applications like AIM (ixgradexi) or MSN (zjacobsz) or Yahoo... and then just having one more thing to distract me. Not that I mind these applications..but when you don't have access to it, well you just don't miss it. In the past I may have missed it and perhaps this is my moment to sound like a nerd. Either way this is my situation and I sort of find myself enjoying it. I won't cancel my internet connection at all, but when you are forced to do something different it CAN open your eyes to things. Get it? Making it too big? Well I think that there isn't much in life that is too minor to fit into an analogy...


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