...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


In a move that stunned the Tory's but only sort of strengthened the Grits.. Belinda Stronach defected to the Liberals from the Conservatives in the 11th hour. Already some of you have told me how either this makes the Liberals less likely to be defeated or makes them look more desperate. Let's see how the major news organizations are covering it:


TORONTO, Ontario (AP) -- A Conservative lawmaker defected to the ruling Liberal Party on Tuesday, all but assuring that Prime Minister Paul Martin's scandal-rocked minority government will win a confidence vote this week.

Toronto SUN:

The MP and millionaire auto parts heiress said Conservative Stephen Harper's leadership style and his willingness to align with the separatist Bloc Quebecois to overthrow the government propelled her into the arms of the Liberals.

(Paul) Martin said Stronach crossed the floor of her own accord and insisted that the Liberal party has not reached out to opposition MPs to entice them to follow suit.

Toronto STAR:

The end began with a shouting match in Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's oak-panelled Parliament Hill office. Harper hauled in Newmarket-Aurora MP Belinda Stronach to his inner sanctum last Thursday to, sources say, "read her the riot act."

Globe & Mail:

Ottawa — The Conservatives scrambled yesterday to right a ship battered by the stunning defection of high-profile MP Belinda Stronach to the Liberal cabinet, a move that reduces the odds they can defeat the government in a parliamentary vote tomorrow.

Liberal strategists congratulated themselves on a coup that they calculated would help both tomorrow's vote and a potential election campaign. Ms. Stronach's credentials as a moderate and glamorous Toronto Tory were seen as an asset for a party that needs to gain ground in Liberal-dominated Ontario.

-- So the SUN reports that the Liberals did say that they did not approach her..and the Globe reports that it was a coup brought on by Liberal strategists. Interesting take. I wonder how the Globe reporters knew that.. PS - the Globe is right wing as is the SUN. It is funny when a tabloid does a better job of reporting than a respected newspaper.

National Post:

A nervous Ms. Stronach, the most sensational defector since Lucien Bouchard left former Tory prime minister Brian Mulroney's Cabinet to found the separatist Bloc Quebecois, was introduced by the Prime Minister at a news conference as his new Human Resources Minister.

The likely vote scenario appears to be a tie with the Liberals, NDP and Independent MP Carolyn Parrish combining for 152 votes, and the Conservatives and the Bloc with the same. That leaves the fate of the government in the hands of Independents Chuck Cadman and David Kilgour. Mr. Kilgour, who recently left the Liberal caucus, is reportedly leaning toward voting with the opposition.

The results of the vote are going to be fascinating to say the least.


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