...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

"Brane New World"

Dr(2) sent me an article from the Globe and Mail which proposes Brane worlds.

"Physicists would also like to take a closer look at "gravitational waves," the stretching and shrinking of space produced by any massive object that is accelerating. The first gravitational-wave detectors are only now entering operation; eventually, they may reveal waves from high-energy cosmic events such as colliding black holes."

Let's imagine...

It takes you 1hr to drive 100Km. Therefore your velocity is 100km/hr. Simple.
Let's say a large mass passed by while accelerating. Technically what they are saying is that assuming you can still drive straight and true as before space can shrink or stretch. Although you still travel at 100km/hr it might take 1hr to go 80Km or 1.3hrs to go 100Km.

I bet though that the people using these gravitational-wave detectors mean to be looking at objects more massive than our Sun... too bad. It would be great to get anywhere faster simply by traveling near large trucks... however minute the difference.



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