...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Had a big talk with Coco and J tonight at church about different African and Middle Eastern leaders.. when they came to power, who backed them. It's different talking to someone from the region rather than "just" a knowledgeable activist. You hear the same stories about Lumumba, Sierra Leon, etc.. BUT you also hear the day to day, "I remember the day these flyers were delivered to our door, organizers..."

Currently reading:
Salam Pax - Baghdad Blog (hello where did THIS idea for THIS blog come from? thanx Salam)
Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions
Tom Wolfe - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Michael Moore - Dude, Where's My Country?
Naomi Klein - No Logo
Carl Hiaasen - Team Rodent (How Disney devours the World)

Name dropping? Bull shitting? No just my stuupidness.

I get hooked on a book (Noam) but find it will be a long read, I then need a more "fluff" book and read one of those. I am about to leave for work and HAVE to take SOMETHING with me so I grab Mr. Moore. I start reading it and get hooked (though I feel at times he is the left version of Rush Limbaugh -- if you are already left Michael is a quick read, if you aren't or if you think about issues below the surface sometimes the way he writes can irritate.. but I wanted to read his stuff to see what he thinks.. and you know.. at times it isn't bad at all.. I love when people do some fact finding for me.. haha.) Then I go to Indigo/Chapters and see The Baghdad Blog placed by someone in the Terrorism/War section (it was in the Cultural section there originally) and decide I desperately need that too.. and Tom Wolfe was my.. everyone has read it, I better start book... with Team Rodent coming as a present...

So why was that interesting? Well.. it wasn't.. but I just had to think about how I come to reading a total of SIX books at once.. no wonder I always feel I have a lot to accomplish. Thank god for long bus rides...

I wonder where this blog is going. It doesn't have to go anywhere I know.. perhaps just an odd way to do a Diary or Journal but.. something about doing it online keeps me feeling hooked.. for a few weeks anyway.. we'll see.


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