Zero Plurality
The number zero is not a singular number, it's plural.
How much time is left?
A - 2 hours
A - 1 hour
A - 0 hours or No hours.
How many widgets are left in the bin?
A - There are 34 left
A - There is 1 left
A - There are none left
my sister was the inspiration for this post
How much time is left?
A - 2 hours
A - 1 hour
A - 0 hours or No hours.
How many widgets are left in the bin?
A - There are 34 left
A - There is 1 left
A - There are none left
my sister was the inspiration for this post
At 03 November, 2006 11:16,
Unknown said…
Cool. I kew it but couldn't have thought of the example.
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