...and all this is to whom?

email: encyclical at gmail.com

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow, I need balls.

Last week (Thursday, March 4th, my birthday) the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) was at my work place passing out magazines. These magazines had different articles inside of them about various labour movements in all areas of Canadian business. (This company I work with is NOT unionized and tries hard to stay away from becoming one) One of the industries mentioned was Telecommunications, of which my work is a part. I read part of this magazine that night, about my company and other related ones.
eg/ About Nortel outsourcing to one of our competitors etc.

When I brought the magazine to work the next day the magazine was confiscated. IN CANADA!
Various people were talking about them having been here the night before. I showed the magazine to a socialist coworker who thought it was marvelous. Another pro-union coworker decided it would make a fine joke to drop it on our friendly but easily frazzled team leader. (Not management) He, as predicted, thought it remarkably funny and decided to "stir the pot" by handing it to management. To their credit, my manager
started to read it. Actually opened it up in front of some of us and read through it. My manager (Mgr) asked for permission to hold on to it and show it to others. I gave permission and stated that I found it an interesting read. By lunchtime it was still on my Mgr's desk so I asked if I could have it back yet. My Mgr replied "Why would you want to read this?"

I know I did not have to answer that.

But.. I replied that I find it interesting to keep up with what is going on in Canada and in industry and that I wanted to keep reading it. My Mgr replied only by saying that I could take photocopies of interesting parts of the magazine. My reply was that it was my personal property. I had no problem with HR taking photocopies for themselves but that I wanted it back.

I left Friday night around 4pm (3 hrs early) for a birthday party. I sent an email requesting it be returned to me when I started my next shift. (Wednesday, 7am) Tomorrow.

I am ... ready?


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