I found some quotes from JS Mills that I thought were just fascinating. They are from his work On Liberty published in 1859.
Imagine if FOX news (or others) used the word Liberty in that context!
Every time we even try to discuss something that upsets a persons internally balanced, self-willed ignorance, (not to convince them that we are right just to open up a conversation to just the glimmer that there could be another way of looking at it) they almost take it as an attack. To most people there need be no other reason necessary. "You just gotta support the GOP!"
Liberty he defined as "to set limits to the power which the ruler
should be suffered (allowed) to exercise over the community."
Imagine if FOX news (or others) used the word Liberty in that context!
The rules people are governed by "appear to them self-evident and
self-justifying...because they are their customs" "The effect of
custom" on rules of conduct "is all the more complete because the
subject is one on which it is not generally considered necessary that
reasons should be given, either by one person to others or by each to
himself. People are accustomed to believe, and have been encouraged in
the belief...that their feelings on subjects...are better than reasons
and render reasons unnecessary."
Every time we even try to discuss something that upsets a persons internally balanced, self-willed ignorance, (not to convince them that we are right just to open up a conversation to just the glimmer that there could be another way of looking at it) they almost take it as an attack. To most people there need be no other reason necessary. "You just gotta support the GOP!"
At 21 June, 2006 17:01,
Neil McIntyre said…
There's just one Mill! ;)
At 26 June, 2006 01:15,
Anonymous said…
There is much good to be said of On Liberty but as Roger Scruton remarks it "died the death of a thousand qualifications." Mill's "The Principles of Political Economy" is just downright scary. I think the political rationalism on display in the former text is problematic; as is his advocation for "experiments in living." Mill isn't sensitive to the limits of human reason and is to quick to want to dispose of moral norms.
At 26 June, 2006 11:51,
Sj said…
I did find his comments on the usefulness of despotism for the "3rd world" a quick write off.
I never studied him so I can't bring to bear much weight beyond pulling quotes and placing thoughts. When, however he does make those comments all I can do at this point is write it off to his age. Where the "dark continent" or other places around the world suffer the same fate as today. (Where the question keeps being asked "What is wrong with those people that they can't rule themselves...")
har har
At 04 July, 2006 19:41,
kristin said…
interesting because we still have the same bizarre ignorance here in canada regarding the Native peoples. Why can't they just get over the past and move on already? (I know I know, kristin talking about natives again?)
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